We are opening our orchard to the public on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 May and invite you to pick your own walnuts at half price (i.e., $5/kg) This is a great opportunity for the family to have fun picking a healthy product in the countryside and learn something from the farmer about how walnuts are grown and processed commercially.
Our address is 321 Prossers Rd, Richmond. There will be signs along Prossers Rd from the Richmond end to show you where to go. The farm will be open from 10.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday and Sunday.
hi there. we are interested in the weekend picking for half prize. when are the opening times please. thanks a lot in advance for your answer!
I would like to pick walnuts on Sat 13. Can you please tell me your address and what time the picking can start?
Sharn Davies