New Season Pickled Walnuts

The Packing Crew - Jane, Natasha and Misaki
The Packing Crew – Jane, Natasha and Misaki
Jane stirring the pot! This vat holds 120 litres of pickling liquid and walnuts
Jane stirring the pot! This vat holds 120 litres of pickling liquid and walnuts

We doubled production again this year and this required two two-week cycles of picking, brining and cooking. We also used a new commercial kitchen located about five minutes from the orchard and this made a huge difference. We purchased three new drying cabinets each capable of drying about 3000 nuts and this greatly improved our quality control in this process. We were very pleased with the results and our upgrades have put us in a good position to expand production further in the next few years. The new product will be released 16 February 2015.

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